Why Participate in West Florida ACO?
- No initiation fee required to participate in our ACO.
- All participating physicians have equal opportunities to become investors/stakeholders.
- Physicians who invest can achieve significant ROI and substantial shared savings bonuses.
- Demonstrated 100% success in achieving the above with our other ACOs in Florida.
- Ensuring complete operational transparency.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an ACO?
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are group of health care providers, who come together voluntarily to give coordinated high quality care to their Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries. The goal of coordinated care is to ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors.
How did ACOs start?
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) had a mandate for Medicare ACOs.
How will my practive benefit from an ACO?
ACO providers can choose to participate in a Medicare based shared savings model with no financial risk for the first three years of participation. The ACO participants have the potential to realize up to 50 percent of shared savings.
By participating in an ACO, physicians may have access to agreements with payers that might otherwise exclude them, and will also have the opportunity to participate in the development of protocols for their Network providers and the governance of the ACO. -
Is there any risk involved in the ACO model
No, participants are joining forces in reducing Medicare costs while improving the quality of care and benefiting from Shared Savings.
I have decided to participate in an ACO. Why choose West Florida ACO?
- Our founder & management have a proven track record of 2 out of 2 successful ACOs in Florida with over 7 million in distribution for under 50 physician Investors & Participants in their first year.
- Does not cost any initiation fee to participate in West Florida ACO.
- All Participant physicians have an equal opportunity to be an investor/stakeholder.
- A provider who is an investor as well as a participant can generate a significant ROI as well as a substantial shared savings bonus.
- This ACO is "Primary Care Centric" and participants receive up to 80% of shared savings.
- All of the above have been achieved with 100% success with other ACOs in Florida started by our founder.
- Complete operational transparency.
- No binding contracts.
Do You Wish To Join An ACO, But Don't Know Where To Start?
West Florida ACO helps navigate Primary Care Physicians through the process of practicing independently, offering the necessary tools and guidance to effectively implement value-based payment models.
Schedule Your ConsultationPhysician Benefits
All providers will be assigned by Medicare, a Value Based Modifier (VBM) from 2016
- VBM for each physician will range from -2.0 to +2.0
- Proportionately Medicare fee schedule will be adjusted from -4% to +4%
More than 2/3rds of physicians are expected to receive a negative VBM to start with per current CMS data
- ACO providers are exempt from the negative VBM impact
PQRS penalties can add up to another -1.5%
- An ACO Provider is exempt from the PQRS negative impact
ACO not only reports the PQRS but provider will also reap the PQRS payment
- ACO takes over PQRS operational expenses from practice.
What kind of bonus can I get from being with an ACO?
- Providers will receive Medicare shared savings bonuses on top of their regular fee for service income. Based on the results of successful ACOs, your bonus could be equal to or more than your total annual FFS income.